‘K S Lo English’ is live!
For long, I’ve been envious of the Chinese blogging site ‘博之以文’ managed by our Chinese Department. I have read on the website so many great Chinese works written by our aspiring student writers and also professional writers like Joe Tsui (徐焯賢). Students also have lots of chances to interact with each other sharing their views on literature and whatnot. Many of them do so proactively showing their enthusiasm for Chinese writing. It is also an excellent way to showcase the talents of our student writers.
I kept racking my brains, ‘Why can’t we have one for English?’
That’s what led to the launch of ‘K S Lo English’ – an English equivalent to our Chinese blogging counterpart. Of course, the site is still in its very infancy, so many features are still coming soon. But if you can’t wait to contribute to the site, please let your English teachers know. We’ll be more than happy to give you details for a head start!
Stay tuned for more exciting developments!